Discovering a charism
An excerpt from the book, "Hakuna, descubriendo un carisma"
"I am increasingly finding more groups of young people who are determined and uninhibited in fully living the faith of the Church, endowed with a great missionary drive. The intense prayer life present in these movements does not imply retreating into intimacy or secluding oneself in a private life. In them, one simply sees a total and undivided catholicity. The joy of faith they express is contagious (...). What is astonishing is that all this fervor is not the result of official or unofficial pastoral plans, but rather it seems to appear spontaneously. As a consequence, programming offices, no matter how progressive they might be, do not grasp these movements, do not align with their ideas. Tensions arise when trying to integrate them into the current forms of institutions, but these tensions are not specifically with the hierarchical Church as such. A new generation of the Church is being forged, which I contemplate with hope. I find it wonderful that the spirit, once again, proves to be more powerful than our plans and judges in a very different way than we imagined. In this sense, renewal is quiet, but it advances effectively. Old forms, stuck in their own contradiction and the taste of negation, are being abandoned, and something new is arriving." - Benedict XVI
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